Piercing Aftercare

Cleaning Instructions:

-Do not rotate your jewelry. It is best that you don’t touch it at all. If you must touch your piercing for any reason during cleaning, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before doing so.

-Spray your piercing 2 times a day with isotonic sterile saline. “Wound wash” sterile saline spray is also available at pharmacies and grocery stores. Be patient and keep cleaning throughout the entire healing period.

-IMPORTANT! Do not sleep directly on your fresh piercing, as this may cause issues with healing. Use a travel neck pillow or rolled up hand towel if you are not able to stay off of the side that is pierced.

What to Do:

- Make sure your bedding is washed and changed regularly. You can wear clean, comfortable, breathable clothing that protects your piercing while you are sleeping.

- Downsize the length of the post with us in the time frame given by your piercer to ensure the rest of healing goes well. Once the swelling as subsided, its vital to downsize the initial jewelry that’s longer, with a shorter post to avoid issues with healing or damage which can result in a loss of your piercing.

What to Avoid:

- Avoid cleaning with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, antibacterial soaps, iodine, or any harsh products, as these can damage cells. Avoid ointments as they prevent necessary air circulation.

- Avoid Bactine®, pierced ear care solutions, and other products containing Benzalkonium Chloride (BZK). These can be irritating and are not intended for long-term wound care.

- Avoid over-cleaning. This can delay your healing and irritate your piercing.

Do not play with your jewelry or piercing. It’s best to not touch it. Touching or messing with your piercing can result in infection, migration, or other damage. You can also cause excess swelling or irritation bumps.

- Do not pick dried discharge with your fingers. You can use a tooth pick to gently remove build up after a warm shower and a spray with saline. Q-tips tend to leave behind fibers, which can cause complications, so we warn to stay away from them. Do not ever remove jewelry to clean it.

- Avoid trauma such as friction from clothing, excessive motion of the area, playing with the jewelry, and vigorous cleaning. These activities can cause the formation of unsightly and uncomfortable scar tissue, migration, prolonged healing, and other complications.

- Avoid oral contact, rough interaction,and contact with others' bodily fluids on your piercing during healing.

- Avoid submerging the piercing in unclean water such as bathtubs, lakes, pools, oceans, hot tubs, hot springs, saunas, etc for the first two months.

- Leave a dime-sized area clear of all beauty and personal care products on or around the piercing.

Whats Normal?

- Initially: some bleeding, localized swelling, tenderness, or bruising.

- During healing: some discoloration, itching, secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid (not pus) that will form some crust on the jewelry. If dried buildup forms on your piercing, spray with saline after a hot shower to flush any build up away.

- A piercing may seem healed before the healing process is complete. This is because tissue heals from the outside in, and although it feels fine, the interior tissue may be thin and fragile.

- Even healed piercings can shrink or close in minutes after having been there for years! This varies from person to person; if you like your piercing, keep jewelry in—do not leave it empty.

⦁ If a piercing bump occurs, please contact your piercer immediately so we can troubleshoot and address the problem. The longer it goes unaddressed, there is a higher risk of more issues and scarring. Sometimes even a loss of the piercing.

Ear , Ear Cartilage, And facial:

- Maintain cleanliness of telephones, headphones, eyeglasses, helmets, hats, and anything that touches the pierced area.

DO NOT sleep on any healing cartilage piercings. This can alter the angle of the piercing causing complications. In most cases, this results in a removal of the piercing. Skipping your downsize can also cause damage that results in removal or limitations of jewelry in the future such as hoops.


- The support of a tight cotton shirt or sports bra may provide protection and feel comfortable, especially for sleeping. Change to a clean bra regularly. Avoid loofs and knitted fabrics to prevent snags.

oral Piercings:

- Alcohol-free mouth rinse: rinse mouth as usual daily, for 30-60 seconds. After each meal and drink, swish with distilled water to keep mouth clear of debris. Spray outside of piercing twice a day if applicable. Downsize within 2-3 weeks to avoid oral damage. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating spicy foods may extend healing times.